Blue cave in Patagonia

© Ivan Hoermann/TNC Photo Contest 2019

tools + technical assistance

To reach scale, TNC must build the capacity of partners so they feel empowered to advance their own watershed investment programs. To do so, The Nature Conservancy has developed a portfolio of tools, guidance, trainings, and assorted technical assistance offerings to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders. 

Two men kneeling down, talking and writing notes

© Roshni Lodhia

Water Fund Toolbox

The Water Funds Toolbox codifies decades of experience in step-by-step guidance to help practitioners navigate the process of developing water funds and other watershed investment programs. Case studies ground the material with real-world examples, while template Terms of Reference and worksheets provide the reader with practical ways to move their project forward. The Toolbox also delves into subject matter areas like groundwater recharge and soil health to ensure programs are rooted in sound science. Our major reports and leading research can be found in the Library and embedded within the methodology. To stay in the know and attend our webinars, join our global Water Funds Network.

Group with smiling person sitting down and leaning against a tree

© Roshni Lodhia


TNC offers in-person, virtual and online training for practitioners that spans a diversity of topics ranging from an introduction to water security to in-depth workshops on how to conduct a return-on-investment analysis to determine an optimal investment portfolio. While we have a large collection of foundational, archived online trainings, we also work with partners to customize material that meets their specific needs. We have worked with AB InBev, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, International Water Association, Cranfield University, Catholic Relief Services, the French Development Agency and more.

City skyscrapers surrounded by mountains with fog

© Hang Kin Mok/TNC Photo Contest 2019


TNC scientists are working with partners to create practical tools that meet their needs. WaterProof, a new rapid return-on-investment tool, allows users to assess the potential for NbS to address water security challenges in their proposed project area. Users can choose the NbS they wish to explore; define and configure their water intakes, treatment plants, and customized infrastructure; define costs and project areas specific to their operations; and choose the benefits – including carbon credits – they are interested in pursuing. Visit WaterProof to develop your own pre-feasibility assessment or contact the WaterProof team for guided support at

Two people removing invasive species

© Roshni Lodhia

Decision Support Systems

Decision Support Systems are online visualization platforms that allow users to communicate progress, impact and investment decisions with stakeholders who have a vested interest in the success of the program. The DSS for the Greater Cape Town Water Fund, for example, serves as a platform to collate data from other partners who are active in the region so they can better coordinate invasive species removal with one another.

Two researchers talking and pointing on the intertidal

© Amy Vitale

Nature for Water Technical Assistance Facility

The Nature for Water Technical Assistance Facility supports clients in progressing watershed investment programs from project preparation to execution. The Facility offers a combination of sponsored and fee-for-service assistance from a client-oriented, multi-disciplinary team with a breadth of historical experience. Eligible applicants may include utility managers, irrigation boards, NGOs, governments, development banks and more. For more information about the services offered, visit the Facility website.

Five people with straw hats are squatting down to sort caught fish in seafood market in Asia

© Ed Wray/TNC