The roots of TNC’s Resilient Watersheds Strategy can be traced back to Mianus Gorge in Bedford, NY—where the organization completed its first land acquisition project in 1955.
This model of watershed conservation still underpins our work today, nearly 70 years later.

© Federico Viegener/TNC Photo Contest 2019
The Resilient Watersheds Strategy began to formally take shape in 2000 when TNC and the Municipal Drinking Water Company of the City of Quito (EPMAPS) joined forces to restore Ecuador’s high Andean grasslands—an area rich in biodiversity that supplies water to Quito’s 2.6 million residents. The subsequently named Fund for the Protection of Water (FONAG) became the first water fund created to provide stakeholders with a mechanism to jointly invest in watershed protection and the socio-economic development of the communities that live there. Since its inception, FONAG has worked to improve the city’s water security by partnering with more than 400 local families to protect and restore nearly 45,000 hectares of paramos and Andean forests.
In the years since, we have established more than 40 watershed investment programs around the world that are improving water security while conserving critical habitat like the chalk streams of Norfolk, United Kingdom, the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi River in Minnesota and the ancient fynbos habitat in Cape Town, South Africa.
The Resilient Watersheds team is rising to meet the global climate, biodiversity and water crises with innovative and tested solutions rooted in nature. But we can’t do it alone. Join us and be part of the global change
innovation timeline
TNC launches the Quito Water Fund
TNC catalyzes the first San Antonio citizen ballot initiative to support source water protection in the Edwards Aquifer
New WFs are developed in Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador
TNC portfolio reaches 10 Water Funds
Latin America Water Funds Partnerships: 9 water funds created in LAR
TNC portfolio reaches 20 Water Funds
Longwu Water Fund launched, first of its kind in China
Nairobi Water Fund launched, first of its kind in Africa

© Gilberto Alonso Rodriguez Diaz/TNC Photo Contest 2019
meet the team

© Ka Lok Wong/TNC Photo Contest 2018
take action

© Carlos Agilera Calderon/TNC
Build Your Network
Join the global Resilient Watersheds Network, a global, multi-disciplinary network of water funds practitioners and other professionals interested in source water protection. Originally founded by The Nature Conservancy, the Water Funds Network (WFN) is now an ever-growing community of experts who work to advance nature-based solutions around the world, and who are interested in exploring the strategy, process, and benefits of protecting and restoring watersheds.
Join TNC’s regional Networks in Africa and Latin America to share and learn with others who are navigating similar challenges. Each regional network has its own program of support and engagement, specific to the needs of their community members. Join the Water Funds for Africa Network here, and the Latin America Water Funds Network here.

© Roshni Lodhia
Obtain Technical Assistance
Nature for Water. Nature for Water is a dedicated team of experts that provides consultancy-style support to assist local clients in building and operationalizing watershed investment programs. Launched in early 2022 and co-founded by TNC and Pegasys, the services it provides include pre-feasibility analysis, ROI + business case evaluation, strategy formulation, and monitoring & evaluation design, among others. The Facility offers semi-annual ‘Sponsored’ disbursement windows where support is awarded based on a call for proposals format, or you can engage Facility support on a fee-for-service consultancy basis.
Conduct a Rapid ROI Analysis using WaterProof. As a rapid return-on-investment tool, it is designed to provide stakeholders with a pre-feasibility, indicative assessment, regarding the potential for NbS to address water security challenges in their proposed project area. For users of the WaterProof platform seeking assistance with loading data, iterating scenarios, or interpreting results, members of the TNC WaterProof team are available to provide hand-in-hand support. Please reach out directly to with a brief description of your case and support needs.

© Bridget Besaw/TNC
Strengthen Your Knowledge.
Schedule an in-person, virtual and online training for practitioners. Our portfolio spans a diversity of topics ranging from an introduction to water security to in-depth workshops on how to conduct a return-on-investment analysis to determine an optimal investment portfolio. While we have a large collection of foundational, archived online trainings, we also partner with stakeholders to develop customized material that meet their specific needs. We have worked with AB InBev, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, International Water Association, Cranfield University, the French Development Agency, and more.
Visit the Resilient Watersheds Toolbox, which codifies decades of experience in step-by-step guidance to help practitioners navigate the process of developing water funds and other watershed investment programs. Case studies ground the material with real-world examples, while template Terms of Reference and worksheets provide the reader with practical exercises to move their project forward. The Toolbox also delves into subject matter areas like groundwater recharge and soil health to ensure programs are rooted in sound science. Go here to access the Water Funds Field Guide or see a map of current Water Funds around the world.
Apply the CEO Water Mandate NbS Benefit Accounting methodology to account for the stacked water and carbon benefits of NbS, and identify their broader co-benefits. The ongoing initiative has developed a Landscape Assessment, Methodological Guide and user-friendly tool to identify and account for the co-benefits of NbS for water security.
Build your understanding of NbS and Water Security in this new book which presents an action agenda for how to rapidly mainstream NbS. Chapters explore topics such as standards and principles, technical evaluation and design tools, capacity building, and innovative finance.

© Peter Sabol/TNC Photo Contest 2018